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40 Year Old New York Police Dept. Buckle

"On August 10, 1977 I became a Police Officer with the Village of Warsaw, New York. Within the year, some of my fellow officers and myself decided that we needed a momentum of our department. Some research was done (long before the internet was available) through magazines and Police Gazettes. We found an ad for Creative Castings, and Officer William Blythe contacted this company and explained to them what we were looking for. We all (I think that there were four of us) decided on a belt buckle from Creative Castings. It was a long time ago, and my memory is short, but I think that a design (mock up) of "OUR" buckle was sent. It was striking and we all loved it. We ordered them, received them and I have worn mine daily since that time. I hope my buckle will be passed on to one of my Daughters as a keepsake. Our oldest Daughter is a Police Office for the City of Longview, TX and our youngest started the Vermont State Police Academy yesterday (Monday, July 10th), so in a year or so, provided that she makes it through the Academy, she will become a Vermont State you can guess, they make us very proud Parents. I'm sure that one of them will want this buckle.....but they ain't getting it until I drop over dead!! LOL.

I loved being a Police Officer and truly believed in my buckle helps me to remember those days, long gone!!" -Roger

"Hi Roger!

Your buckle is shipping tomorrow. We have been planning a surprise for you because we cast one more buckle so you will have one for each daughter. Both the original and the new one have the same engraving on the back.

When I went to the plant to check on them, they went ahead and cast a second extra buckle but it doesn’t have the engraving on the back. You have 3 buckles that will be shipped tomorrow." -Creative Casting

"I read your message at about 4:30pm while still at work. I kind of fell apart at that time, so I couldn't see to type a message back. I have since regained my composure, well not completely, enough to say Thank You.

I just can't think of any other words to express my gratitude for what kindness you and Creative Castings have shown to me. I would only hope that some time in the future I can repay this act of kindness and carding. I'm so glad that we decided to get our buckles from Creative Castings 40 years ago and would not hesitate to do it all over again! Thank you, again for all of your kindness." -Roger Duell, New York

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